Sounds like a decent name for a band. Actually Franny is the hatcheck and gossip girl from the Snake Pit in my latest HUZZAH!!NOIR page. I've written her as a girl who likes the sound of her own voice and thinks aloud, which makes her a fun narrator to write. I tried to set up the next page(s) as open as possible. We're about to hear Franny tell us (and Sleepy) the story of Joel Zieger. Who is he? I haven't a clue. That's the fun of HUZZAH, whoever HUZZAHs next gets to decide.
This page was a bit of a rush job because I have a lot of comic strips to write and draw over the next couple of months and so couldn't give the art the time I wanted. I'm happier with the writing than the art on this page I think.
And the Daleks. Had to take this pic down because it hadn't been published yet. Well, now it has! It's in the latest Doctor Who Magazine and the designer has done a great job of putting the page together (in fact DWM is an incredibly well designed mag, and features some great illustration). As I've probably said many times, the idea behind this style was to make something that sat nicely on magazine pages with bold and fine type. It hasn't always been 100% successful, but this latest one actually looks ok to me.

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