Thursday 17 December 2009

The Family Factory

Finished my mountain of work for this year. The last job was this Spartans strip. Above is the art for the wrap around cover, below are coloured versions of some of the inks I posted the other day. I explained in that post that I was a bit pushed for time and therefore when it came to the colouring I needed something that would look effective without requiring too much work.
This is where the family came in. Last Sunday I had all three of my kids throwing paint around making "textures" for the Spartans strip. Some of these I would drop in as backgrounds, adjusting the colour to suit, and others I would make a transparent layer of and lay on top to texture the colours.

Here's how it works:

I start with a spread, speedily inked in Manga Studio. Notice the lack of colour...

Then get my children to make an unholy mess with paint. Here comes the colour...

here are the final pieces drying
I scan those in and then paste them all over the spread, which by now has a few flat colours added. The result is something like this.


Dark Wizard said...

so dope!

4772 said...

Awesome stuff!

Studiotoad said...

Magic, Rob.

might try employing my urchins in a similar manor

shane oakley said...

cheap effects and VERY effective.
i do hope the kids at least get a bag of sweets for their help.

..and some damned fine drawing along with them colours.

Mark Kardwell said...

Three words for you: "Child Labour Laws".

Anonymous said...

Get 'em working young... plus at least it's less traumatic than the way my dad got me involved in his work (it involved electrodes).

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