Friday 30 October 2009

And the winner of the 2009 Observer, Jonathan Cape, COMICA Graphic Short Story prize is...

...not this.

The winner is available to see on the Random House page if you want to compare and contrast and play at being a judge. I shall crawl back to my sick bed and debate the merits of different approaches to comic storytelling and what comics can achieve another day.

"How I Built My Father" is dedicated to the memory of Brian Head. A lovely man and a brilliant Dad.


Dave Shelton said...

Rob, you was robbed.

That's stupendous and lovely.

Anonymous said...

I think your short is very clever. From what I've seen of the winners I'm not that impressed but maybe it's story is particularly good or it's suited to the observer more. Anyway I like your flow.

I. N. J. Culbard said...

It genuinely put me off entering because I was so certain it would win, so I'm genuinely surprised.

Frances Castle said...

That's great surreal and wonderful. An amazing layout as well. I'm pretty sure the standard went up this year (perhaps because it was 4 pages?) as I've seen a couple of great entries that weren't successful. At least that's what I tell myself.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's brilliant, really well done.

Jack Noel said...

Fantastic and sad.

Anonymous said...

Just added a mention on my blog for this. Should have been the winner. BTW, mine and Paul Harrison Davies' entry can be seen on my blog. Not as good as yours!

james corcoran said...

Pah! what do they know a great story and some amazing layouts, thanks for sharing it here Rob.

David Baillie said...


paulhd said...

Honestly, you should've won.

Jonathan Edwards said...

Ingenious, stylish and touching. A winning combination, I'd have thought.

Frances Castle said...

Just come back to it again its great!
Well I guess tomorrow we can read the winners in whole. My entry is on my blog.

WJC said...

I'd forget the competition aspect and revel in the creation of a great strip like this. I loved it when I first saw it and happy to see it out and about now.

Hope you're feeling better soon, too.

Martin Simpson said...

Absolutely loved this! Great stuff! You can check out my entry too (on my blog) if you like.

Rob Davis said...

Thanks, you lovely people! As i said above, no point sweating on the competition aspect, always going to be a lottery, but getting this great response means a lot. Especially as you're such a talented and clever bunch ;-)

Khaled Abou Alfa said...

Hi there Rob,

In my attempt to try and contact as many people as possible, if you'd like to join us as I'm trying to compile as many people who entered into a self published book (it's a shame for all this work to stay online only).

Drop me a line, or post a comment here:

Peter Richardson said...

Yes I am as stupified as everyone else.

I saw the winning entry and while it is a worthy effort it's in no way in the same league as your entry.

Sometimes the results of these competitions say more about the judges then they do the entrants and this is definitely a case in point.

But great to be able to see something as beautiful and brilliantly wacky as your piece Rob.

Craig Collins said...

That's a lovely piece of work man, emotive and really eye-catching layouts. Brilliant. You wuz robbed.

Victoria said...

I thought our entry last year was absolute genius until I saw yours. I now feel humbled. You should have won!

Stephen Collins said...

Sod the compo man, that is extraordinary and moving and really quite brilliant.

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